This iconic Széchenyi Chain Bridge was reopened last summer after extensive renovations. Constructed in 1848 it was the first bridge to unite Buda and Pest.
MARCH 9, 2024, 2:30-4:30, CLASSICAL MUSIC CONCERT, ORLY MUSEUM OF HUNGARIAN CULTURE,JOHN ZORN, CLARINET AND DANIEL LOCKERT, PIANO, Join us for a serene afternoon filled with enchanting classicals and indulge in delectable Hungarian pastries. At this Saturday's Concert at the Orly Museum of Hungarian Culture, limited seating is still available. Seize the opportunity for a memorable experience. ORLY MUSEUM OF HUNGARIAN CULTURE, 1720 ARCH ST, BERKELEY, CA, 94709, USA, +1 (510) 333-1743
MARCH 10, 2024, 4:00 PM, PIANIST PÉTER TÓTH WILL GIVE A CONCERT IN SANTA CRUZ ORGANIZED BY THE “THE DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS” CONCERT SERIES. Piano works of Chopin, Schubert, Brahms, Schumann; 900 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, Peace United Church of Christ, Tickets:
MARCH 14, 2024, 7 PM PDT, ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING - 3D PRINTING, HYBRID IN-PERSON AND VIDEO TALK BY ZSOFIA KESZEI, PURDUE UNIVERSITY; Honorary Consulate of Hungary, 2000 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo, CA ,We invite you to an enlightening evening dedicated to unraveling the mysteries and marvels of additive manufacturing, with its profound impact on our daily lives.
Additive manufacturing is a developing way of fabrication that builds parts up layer by layer instead of carving them out or molding them into shape like other manufacturing processes. One aspect of it, 3D printing, is very accessible to the average person. 3D printing has come a long way since its inception. What began as a way to add layers of plastics to each other to create different shapes on demand has evolved into a sophisticated technology that can create airplane parts, biological organs and full rocket engines. What does the future hold for additive manufacturing? Can we replace some manufacturing lines with it? We are in the beginning stages of yet another revolution.

In this talk, Zsofia will explain in simple terms the basics of additive manufacturing, the current state-of-the-art technologies, and future possibilities. She will tell us all about the history, the types, and the uses of this innovative branch of technology, and reveal how it can change our life. She will explain the steps of the modeling and printing process, and will show us how to start 3D printing at home. Zsofia Keszei is a Mechanical Engineering senior at Purdue University.Peek into the Future: What lies ahead for 3D printing? We'll explore the fascinating future possibilities and the impact they could have on industries, and everyday life. Join us on to understand the possibilities in additive manufacturing, and to understand what lies ahead for this game-changing technology. Brought to you by Zsofia Keszei, and the Hungarian American Society for Science, Technology and Innovation in Silicon Valley, together with Eva Voisin, Honorary Consul. Hybrid in-person and video talk at 2000 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo, CA 94403, on Thursday March 14, 2024, at 7 pm PDT.For in person tickets, please RSVP at, For video access, please email

MARCH 16, 2024 ARTS & CRAFTS, 2:00PM TO 4:00PM KIDS PROGRAM IN THE PARK Melba & William "Al" Erven Park, 6201 Grand Canyon Dr, Roseville, CA 95678 RSVP Éva Ali at (916) 892-6600, Kézimunkázás, Játszás Gyerekprogam a Parkban 2024 Március 16, 2-től 4-ig Melba & William "Al" Erven Park, 6201 Grand Canyon Dr, Roseville, CA 95678, Részvételi szándékodat kérünk előre jelezd Ali Évának a (916) 892-6600 .
MARCH 17, 2024, 12:00 PM - WORSHIP IN THE HUNGARIAN REFORMED CHURCH (ATTENTION: THE WORSHIP DOES NOT START FROM 10:00 AM), 1:00 PM - LUNCH 2:00 PM - MARCH 15, 1848 HOLIDAY COMMEMORATION in the church hall After the commemoration, there will be coffee and the cake fair of Hungarian Scouting. During the coffee, the background music is provided by cellist, professor emeritus János Horváth, visiting professor at the Kodály Institute. Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church, 35660 Cedar Blvd, Newark 94560

MARCIUS 17, 2024, , 12:00 PM - ISTENTISZTELET A GYÜLEKEZETI TEREMBEN (FIGYELEM: AZ ISTENTISZTELET NEM REGGEL 10:00-TŐL KEZDŐDIK), 1:00 PM - EBÉD 2:00 PM - 1848. MÁRCIUS 15-I ÜNNEPI MEGEMLÉKEZÉS a gyülekezeti teremben A megemlékezés után kávézásra és a magyar cserkészet süteményvására kerül sor. A kávézás alkalmával a háttérzenét csellón, professzor emeritus Horváth János, a Kodály Intézet vendégprofesszora szolgáltatja. Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church, 35660 Cedar Blvd, Newark 94560 MARCH 15, 2024, APPLICATION DEADLINE, THE DIASPORA PROGRAM PROVIDES AN OPPORTUNITY FOR HUNGARIAN YOUTH AGED BETWEEN 10 AND 25 LIVING IN THE DIASPORA, AS WELL AS EDUCATORS/TEACHERS ACTIVE IN DIASPORA COMMUNITIES, TO PARTICIPATE IN STUDY TRIPS TO HUNGARY. The State Secretariat for Hungarian Communities abroad and the Rákóczi Association with the support of the Hungarian Government, is announcing its highly successful program. See: Short video: and application:

PRESENT-APRIL 30, 2024, BUDAPEST FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM 2024/2025 – CALL FOR APPLICATIONS, DEADLINE: APRIL 30, 2024Hungary Foundation together with the Mathias Corvinus Collegium Alapítvány, Budapest, Hungary is now accepting applications for the Budapest Fellowship Program (BFP), for the 2023/2024 academic year (September 2024 - July 2025). The Budapest Fellowship Program is a full-time, fully-funded transatlantic fellowship in Budapest, Hungary, for young American scholars and professionals, and it includes a Junior Fellowship aimed for students currently pursuing their Master's degree or recently graduated from a Masters program, and a Senior Fellowship, for advanced doctoral students (i.e. pre-doctoral fellows), post-doctoral researchers, and early career professionals, who hold at least a Master’s or a Ph.D. degree. SEE: , Hungary Foundation

SPRING SEMESTER, 2024- ONGOING, LEARN HUNGARIAN ONLINE, We are announcing two more 7-week courses during the Spring Semester starting on February 26th. If you are already our student or you know your level, you can sign up by paying the course fee. If you are a new student, before paying, please write to us and ask for a knowledge level test HERE.> info@americanhungarianlibrary.orgAMERICAN HUNGARIAN LIBRARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY | Hungarian House, 215 EAST 82ND STREET, New York, NY 10028,
APRIL 26, 2024, 7:00 AM HUNGARIAN COMMUNITY SHOWCASE PRESENTS, THE SF BAY AREA; AS THE GUESTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PECS’ HUNGARIAN DIASZPORA PROJECT, the San Francisco Bay Area organizations will introduce themselves. 2 dates are: 4/26 and 6/28. SAMPLE program: Diaszpóra Projekt Hálózat YouTube csatornáján lesz megtekinthető: (FLORIDA) Let me know if your organization is interested in participating. Eva Voisin 650 440 0095. MAY 11, 2024, NOON- 9PM, HUNGARIAN HERITAGE FESTIVAL, Twin Pines Park, 1 Twin Pines Lane, Belmont, CA. Attractions: Live Performances, Folk Dance and Music, Traditional Food and Pastries, Fine Hungarian Wines, Hungarian Craft and Gift Faire, Please consider volunteering for the Festival! It is a wonderful way to get to know young Hungarians and support the community. Please contact:

NEW HUNGARIAN PORTAL TO ASSIST THOSE MOVING BACK TO HUNGARY; The recently launched Hazaváró portal, (IN HUNGARIAN) assists those moving back to Hungayr with simplifying the administrative steps involved. An easy-to-understand and easy-to-use website that offers clear answers to the steps related to moving home for any reason (e.g. continuing studies, starting a business). It provides information and enables the electronic preparation and initiation of certain types of cases, e.g. address declaration, tax card, TAJ/Insurance card application. More details at the following link:ábbi részletek a következő linken: Közérthető, és egyszerűen kezelhető honlap, amely a bármilyen okból történő hazaköltözéssel (pl. tanulmányok folytatása, vállalkozás indítása) összefüggő teendőkre áttekinthető módon kínál válaszokat. Információval szolgál és lehetővé teszi egyes ügytípusok elektronikus előkészítését és elindítását is pl. lakcím bejelentés, adókártya, TAJ kártya igénylés. A nemrég indult Hazaváró portál ígérete szerint személyre szabott segítséggel támogatja a hazatérés körüli adminisztratív ügyintézést.

ITTHON ES OTTHON, CULTURAL NEWSLETTER OF THE CONSULATE GENERAL OF HUNGARY IN LOS ANGELES olvasóink, kedves magyar barátaink! Ezúton szeretnénk küldeni Magyarország Los Angeles-i Főkonzulátusának legujabb kulturális hírlevelét. l:Széles Tamás, nagykövet, Magyarország Los Angeles-i főkonzulja . NO. 63, FUNDRAISING REQUEST TO THE HUNGARIAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY , WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER! The Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church in Newark, the proposed new home of the Hungarian Reformed Church of San Francisco and Vicinity and the Hungarian Cultural Center

Dear Friends and Fellow Hungarians,
Recently, the Hungarian Reformed Church of San Francisco and Vicinity sold their church building in Redwood City with the goal of obtaining a new, more suitable location. Additionally, the Bay Area Hungarian community has been trying to re-establish a Hungarian-owned Cultural Center for the last 40 years, in order to preserve our culture and traditions into the future. Together, we can turn both dreams into reality! The Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church in Newark is now up for sale. The facility has a sanctuary, separate social hall, full kitchen, picnic area, fenced-in areas for children and lots of parking. With your generous support we can acquire this property which will be ideal as a new home for our church and to establish a Hungarian Cultural Center. This would be the only Hungarian-owned establishment in the San Francisco Bay Area. We have been conducting Sunday services and hosting community events at this site for the last 8 months, such as the 1956 Revolution Memorial Dinner, “Stephen, the King” Day, Father’s Day picnic and St. Nicholas Sausage Dinner. Everyone who attended the various events was very excited about the potential acquisition of this desirable site.
We need your help to make a competitive offer by December 31, 2023! We are $500,000 short and it’s going to take a village to raise this amount. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today so we can secure a new home for our church and the Hungarian Cultural Center for our entire Hungarian community to own and enjoy for generations to come! These donations will be restricted for this purpose. Please spread the word and encourage your family and friends to also make a donation. PayPal - click zelle - email: zoltangode@reformatustemplom.comYou can also donate by checks, payable to Hungarian Reformed Church, PO Box 2727, Redwood City, CA 94064-2727 We wish all of you a Merry Christmas and hope your holiday season is full of peace, joy and happiness! With gratitude, Gabor Magyari-Kope, Pastor, and Zoltan Gode, Chief Elder and Treasurer, Hungarian Reformed Church of San Francisco and Vicinity
or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. “ - 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly
Update (12/26/2023): With heartfelt gratitude, we are happy to report that there are already pledges and donations totaling over $300,000 towards our goal to purchase the Lutheran Church property in Newark. We are almost there, let’s keep up the momentum! The money we are raising will make the difference as to whether we could be competitive with our bid. We took stewardship of the money from the disbanded Hungarian House and managed it responsibly, generating significant growth. We have always kept this money separate from our General Funds. Now all of it will go towards the purchase of this property.The donations are restricted solely for the purchase of this property. Should this purchase fail, we will continue our search for a new site. In that case, we will hold the funds; the monies donated will be kept separate and not used for anything else. However, we will refund any donations, upon request.

Celebrating over 100 years of diplomatic relations between Hungary and the USA. On May 25, 2018, new privacy and data protection laws, (GDPR) went into effect in Europe. Accordingly, we work to ensure full privacy for the members of the Hungarian Newsletter List. It is important for us to remain in electronic contact with our members, since electronic correspondence is the key to the functioning of the list. To do this, it is essential to store your names and email address. We do not store any other data. We do not share any of your data with 3rd parties. European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
You have to tell us if you wish us to continue to store your data in accordance with our privacy policy. If YOU AGREE, please reply to this message with "YES, I agree that you store my electronic address". If YOU DO NOT AGREE for us to keep your data in the future, confirm this by selecting the option UNSUBSCRIBE from this list. If you select the UNSUBSCRIBE option, you will not be able to receive our e-newsletters and e-notifications.
If you have any questions about data management, we are at your disposal at or, or 650.573.7351. skype: evavoisin1,